

没有人应该遭受家庭暴力的羞辱, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 跟踪, 或强奸. 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 will not tolerate these crimes 和 will do everything within its power to assist victims of these crimes.

五分之一的女性 是强奸的幸存者.

1 in 10 在美国所有的性侵犯受害者中.S. 都是男性.

三分之一的女性 四分之一的男性 一生中遭受过伴侣的暴力.

三分之一的青少年 每年都经历过男友或女友的性虐待或身体虐待或威胁.

1 in 5 女大学生 在大学期间经历过未遂或成功的性侵犯. 

1 / 16男性 当他们是大学生时,他们是性侵犯未遂或已完成的目标吗.

十分之九的女性 认识强奸或袭击她们的人. 18-24岁女性 年龄是遭受亲密伴侣暴力的最大风险.

近十分之九 攻击 当幸存者因酒精而丧失行为能力时发生. Many college rapists target victims who are drugged, drunk, passed out, or otherwise incapacitated.

只有2% 丧失行为能力的强奸受害者 向执法部门报告袭击事件.


如果你是强奸的受害者, 熟人强奸, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力或跟踪, 你的首要任务应该是找到一个安全的地方. 如果需要,您应该获得必要的医疗.

校园警察 strongly advocates that victims of any of these crimes report the incident in a timely manner. 时间是证据收集和保全的关键因素.

These crimes should be reported directly to a 校园警察 Officer 和/or to a College Counselor. 向校园警官提交警方报告并不意味着受害者有义务起诉, 它也不会让受害者受到警察的审查或评判意见. 向警方报案将:
• ensure that a victim of any of these crimes receives the necessary medical treatment 和 tests, 受害者不承担任何费用;
•提供收集证据的机会, 以后无法获得的, that may be helpful in prosecution; ideally a victim should not wash, 冲洗, 上厕所, or change clothing prior to a medical/legal exam; 和
• assure the victim has access to free confidential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of 性侵犯 crisis intervention.

性侵犯的受害者, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 强奸, 熟人强奸, 跟踪行为可能会选择以下一种或多种行为:
•联系校园警察办公室. The Goldsboro Police Department or the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office will be notified as well as a representative from the Counseling Services Department.
•学术和澳门金沙棋牌游戏副总裁:919-739- 6825,WLC-107
•Wayne Early Middle College High School校长:919-739-7073,HOC- 232A
•韦恩早期中学高中辅导员:919-739-7072,HOC- 231.
寻求咨询, 健康, 心理健康, 受害者的宣传, 法律援助和其他在校内外提供的服务.

性骚扰或性暴力也可以报告给学校的教务处 第九章协调员
•学生咨询服务主任,韦恩学习中心,183室, mseverett@chriswaldegar.com, 919-739-67105
•员工:人力资源总监,山茱萸大厦144室; mjbell@chriswaldegar.com, 919-739-7015

A college representative from the Office of 校园警察 or the Counseling Services Department will guide the victim through the available options 和 support the victim in his or her decision.

咨询服务可以从学院的咨询服务部获得. Counseling 和 support services outside the College system can be obtained through the Wayne Uplift Resource Center (919-736-1313) 和 other organizations listed below.

大学纪律处分程序在学生手册中有详细说明. A student found guilty of sexual misconduct in a criminal proceeding in the State courts could also face College disciplinary actions 和 may be suspended or expelled from the College. 在被指控性侵犯后,学生受害者可以要求改变他们的学业状况, 如果这些变化是合理可用的.

● Accuser 和 accused have the same opportunity to have others/an advisor of their choice present during disciplinary hearings 和 any related meetings.

●应通知双方, 同时书面, of any change to the results before they are made final 和 of the final outcome of the proceedings.


● Both parties have a right to appeal disciplinary proceeding decisions or change to the final result.

● The st和ard of evidence to be used for disciplinary proceedings is based on a preponderance of evidence.




N.C. 反对家庭暴力联盟

N.C. 反性侵犯联盟


1 - 800 - 799 -安全(7233)

希望1 - 800 - 656 (4673)


强奸、虐待 & 乱伦全国网络
希望1 - 800 - 656 (4673)
RAINN的在线热线: http://ohl.rainn.org/online/


1 - 888 - 7 -热线


不是一个人:学生资讯, 学校, 和 anyone interested in finding resources on how to respond to 和 prevent 性侵犯 on college 和 university campuses


1 - 800 - 273 - talk (1-800-273-8255)

1 - 800 -自杀(1-800-784-2433)

1 - 877 - vet2vet (877-838-2838)

1-800-suicida (800-784-2432)

特雷福生命线 (LGBTQ青年热线)





第九条 is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The College is committed to providing a learning 和 working environment that is free of sexual misconduct 和 discrimination. 学院认为任何形式的性别歧视都是严重的罪行, 包括对怀孕和育儿学生的歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 以及性暴力(强奸), 性侵犯, 性电池, 以及员工的性胁迫, 学生, 或者第三方.

The Human Resources Director 和 the Counseling Services Director are the College’s designated 第九章协调员. They are responsible for coordinating the College’s efforts to comply with its obligations under 第九条 和 the 第九条 regulations. These responsibilities include coordinating any investigations of complaints received pursuant to 第九条 和 the implementing regulations. 第九条协调员是
•学生咨询服务主任,韦恩学习中心,183室, mseverett@chriswaldegar.com, 919-739-67105,以及
•员工:人力资源总监,山茱萸大厦144室; mjbell@chriswaldegar.com, 919-739-7015.

如果因为一个人的性别而发生骚扰,则违反了学院的政策, 比赛, 宗教, color, 性取向, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 遗传信息, 资深的地位, 或任何其他受法律保护的分类. 任何 员工 谁从事任何形式的非法骚扰将受到纪律处分. 澳门金沙棋牌游戏’s Human Resources Department provides harassment training as part of its new 员工 orientation. 任何 claim of unlawful harassment is thoroughly investigated by Human Resources 和 appropriate disciplinary action is taken, 在必要的时候.

澳门金沙棋牌游戏 complies with the Higher Education Opportunity Act requirement that it disclose campus crime statistics 和 security information. 这些信息被收集起来, 分类, 并在WCC校园警察局清点,供公众查阅. 这些统计数据每年向美国国务院报告一次.S. 并为校园社区出版. 最新的校园安全报告分发给在校生和员工, 是否对潜在的学生和员工开放, 并发布在学校网站上.


澳门金沙棋牌游戏 complies with the provisions of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 和 Campus Crime Statistics Act. Crimes committed on the College’s campus or facilities controlled by the College are reported to the 校园警察 Department 和 Campus Security Authorities. 校园警察和保安部, with cooperation from local law enforcement 年龄ncies whose jurisdiction surrounds the campus or includes off-campus sites, maintains records of those crimes 和 reports statistics for certain “Clery Crimes” in its annual 校园安全报告.

1. 学生, 员工, 访客可以拨打校园警察和保安电话, 919-739-7050,任何时间.
2. 学生, 员工, 游客可以使用遍布校园的蓝光电话举报犯罪. 紧急"蓝光"电话是战略性位置的双向电话亭. 紧急电话也可以在所有电梯里找到.
3. 学生, 员工, 访客可以到校园警察局的办公室, 位于韦恩学习中心, 亲自报案.
4. 学生,员工和访客可以通知校园安全机构(CSA)的犯罪. WCC的csa是
•学术和澳门金沙棋牌游戏副总裁:919-739- 6825,WLC-107
•Wayne Early Middle College High School校长:919-739-7073,HOC- 232A
•韦恩早期中学高中辅导员:919-739-7072,HOC- 231
5. 在西摩约翰逊空军基地犯下的罪行, 学生, 员工, 和 visitors who use the College’s facilities in the Watkins-Das Education Center can contact SJAFB Security Forces at 919-722-1211 or the Department of Defense Safe Helpline at 877-995-5247 for cases of 性侵犯.
6. Sexual harassment or sexual violence can also be reported to the College’s 第九章协调员
•学生咨询服务主任,韦恩学习中心,183室, mseverett@chriswaldegar.com, 919-739-67105
•员工:人力资源总监,山茱萸大厦144室; mjbell@chriswaldegar.com 919-739-7015


2000年校园性犯罪预防法案, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children 和 Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, 《澳门金沙游戏中心》和1974年的《澳门金沙棋牌游戏》, requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by a State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. 在北卡罗来纳州, convicted sex offenders must register with the Sex Offender Registry maintained by the Department of Justice. 可搜索的注册表包括
N.C. 司法部的性犯罪者登记处U.S. 司法部国家性犯罪者公开网站.


The Student Activities Office 和 the Office of 校园警察 provide education 和 information programs on sexual misconduct to 学生 和 员工 at various events 和 upon request.

向社区教育机构提供信息和推荐, 减少风险, 和大学的回应可以通过咨询服务部获得.
